Maybe I should have taken a different career path?
Maybe I should have been a graphic designer. I like drawing stuff and pretty colours and patterns. I like Beci Orpin, she's rad. She seems to have an awesome life. But then I remember I'm not so good at computing....
Maybe I should have been a florist like my sister. Flowers are pretty, they smell good and they don't charge you $200 just to make a bunch. But then I remember I don't like the thorny bits....
Maybe I should have been a chef? I love cooking delicious things and lets face it, I like eating delicious things. But then I remembered I hate split shifts....
Maybe I should have been a cat wrangler. I love my Mont, he is the best but sometimes he can be a jerk and imagine that but multiplied by 50. But then I remembered I don't like cleaning litter trays...
Maybe I should have been a farmer and live on the land. Kate is one awesome lady with a cute family to boot, living on the land, living her dream. Has lots of cute chooks, cooks delicious things, crafts all that kind of jazz. But then I remembered a green thumb I do not have, how would I ever manage a whole farm when I can't even keep a "potted colour" from Bunnings alive?....
A painter?
A hair dresser?
A seamstress?
An Olympic Sports Calendar Model?
But I guess at the end of the day its making things like this that I really love,
And things like this,
And I can't give up making things like this,
And I adore packaging them up to send them to people like this,
And I really like working with my hands, usually in environments like this,
So maybe I am where I should be.
And maybe I should just stop worrying about what everybody else is doing and just do my own thing?
I think feel a list coming on.....