Hey Crew! I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to have my very first studio sale. (Seeing that a. I now have a studio and b. I am rapidly running out of space) So here are the deets:
When: Saturday November 29th
Where: My studio, 2 Ballarat Street, Brunswick
What time: 11am - 3pm (or until sold out)
So if you are in Melbs I would love to see you, maybe you can come do your christmas shopping?? There will be one offs and prototypes, seconds of production lines, swizzle sticks and what ever else I can find in that treasure trove. (There is one big wooden crate that has not been opened since I moved in....oooohhhh, the intrigue!)
And tonight I'm pretty darn excited to tell you that....My colab with GORMAN on a new HOMETIME range launches in their city store!! Holy crap how did this happen?! I've really busted my ass in the last three months and this is one of the projects that I am ridiculously excited for. I have loved Gorman for a long time and am pretty much beside myself that they would want to collaborate with me. ME!! I have LOVED making these works and I am STOKED with how they have turned out. Even the packaging is awesome! Gorman are such big wigs and I'm excited at what may come from this.
I am a little nervous too.
What if people don't like them?
What if they dis them?
What am I going to wear?! (The only nice top I have is GORMAN. Is it a fashion faux par to wear Gorman to a Gorman launch? Oh man, I just know I am going to look like a nerd...)
So many questions!!
Anyways, I hope to see you on the 29th for the studio sale. All I wanna say is there are going to be some real gems up for sale and CHEAP! I am going to be RUTHLESS. I want a fresh start next year so I may have to let some of my FAVOURITE pieces go......
See you there!