Reading other peoples blogs makes me want to give a little attention to my own.
Today, so far, has been one of my favourite kind of days...
Got up kinda early, hit the markets for the weekly shop. Experienced a major 'game changer' in the way I shop. Are you ready for it, here it goes; this people will change your life, are you ready,
I. Bought. A. Market. Trolley.
Yup. Amazing! No more sore arms, no more grappling with a million heavy bags, no more having to deny myself a bag of potatoes because my shoulders can't bear it. It's amazing!! I was so happy with my $18 market trolley I can't believe it. So happy that I rewarded myself with a little sushi stop for breakfast, followed by a custard polo for the coffee at home.... Usually by this point I would have been pissed off with the crowds, my arms screaming from the pain of weighed down shopping bags and having to struggle back to the car, that there would be no time for delicious snack stops as I was way too cranky. (By the way, in case you were interested I also scored an amazing park for $1...)
So in the leisure of my own home, I made a coffee and ate my delicious custard pollo and dicked around on the internet. Next me and the B train went to peruse a few suits for him and again I was pleasantly rewarded!! We managed to find a great hire place for the boys and a particularly handsome suit for him. Man, oh man, does he look the business in that suit. It strikes me that some men are not quite bright because the way I see it, ALL men look good in the right suit. In the right suit any man can look handsome. Why is it then that not all men own suits then? Go figure.
Chuffed with our suit shopping we treated ourselves to Haighs freckles, home for a beer and cheese platter and now that brings us to the present. Just you, me and the B train chillin at home. B train on the decks with a beer, me on the couch with a pot of delicious Assam tea, all to myself (I'm on my third cup). My only regret is eating that 24th freckle...