Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Welcome back Cotter


It's me! Me, the writer of this blog. Me, the little bird with he big chip. Me, the absentee.

So whats new? Stuff and stuff? Yeah, me too. Turns out there is quite a bit of stuff going on lately. Like my window show at Craft Vic! Surprise! (i really was behind the 8 ball on announcing this one I know but the good news is its on for a whole month.) On show is an installation of my Ikebana works for all to see. Had some help from my little pal Green Trick (better known as the little puff, or my sister). LP (little puff) really pulled out the big guns and did some super fantastic flower arranging for me and crammed in the tiniest of window spaces all for me. Thanks kid, you did good, Real good. I was interested to see how two wookies would fit in a tiny window space...

Look at all that mess we made. Fabulous.

Look there she is! Little Puff. Little puff while Big Puff is on the other side of the glass hollering orders. "No this way. A little to the left. Yep. Nup. Yep." We are a solid team thats fo sure.

The show is up till the end of the month and you should totally go check it out if you are in Melbs. The address is:

Craft Vic
31 Flinders Lane

Going to go back and take some snaps at night. Which reminds me, there was no official opening so I'm rallying some goons to come down and have a peek, loiter around and generally get up to no good (maybe I'll smuggle in a box of wine complete with plastic cups?) this Friday nite, so if you are in the big smoke come say hi and we can have our own shmancy viewing.

Today I did some rad stuff. I mean really rad stuff. I can't wait to share the fruits of our day with you....til next time yo'....