I am a glass blowing, cat patting, tea swilling, hula hoop enthusiast gal ( whose customer service days can be likened to Bernard Black; full of red wine and not too fussed with customers and sometimes finds small fungus in her hair) who constantly dreams of Japan. I am slightly computer illiterate but am determined to drive a blog. I had my first solo exhibition last year and whatddya know there are more on the horizon! I hope this blog might help to organize those pesky, erratic thoughts. Oh, and I like stuff.... What's that? You like stuff too? Well, alright, you're in the right place kid.
And hey, if you see something you like, drop me a line..... amanda@amandadziedzic.com.au
Thanks for stoppin' by, sure was nice to see you, next time I'll get out the 'good' china and maybe spring for a packet of Iced Vovo's.