Monday, August 20, 2012

Modern Times and Assorted Woes

I'm going to keep this short. It's late. I'm tired. But still here we are...
Above is a pic I took from the launch at Modern Times launch. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to come down and say hi. I usually don't really like exhibition openings, I'm not very good at the schmoozing and whatnot, but this one was a winner. I got to talk to another glassy who had work there (you can check out his great work here) he really helped me to nut out some worries I had about taking on a job. He's awesome.
I also met a new friend (hopefully) who creates super rad terrariums. We only got to chat briefly but I am hoping it could become something rad and exciting for us both.

Here is some food for thought; 
check out this great blog post here, Lara talks about some pressures that as a maker I feel too. The need to reinvent yourself, to be in constant competition, to keep up with what everyone else is doing. I feel this constantly. Why the fuck can't I just keep on making what I like and be happy with it thats what I want to know! I've had a bit off a rough run, feeling a little miffed about it all but am hoping to turn it around.

Uggggghhh, the constant uphill battle! Just someone hurry up and discover how awesome I can be. Fling me some clams and let me make glass everyday. Then I can cook delicious things in the evenings have fun times with my cute husband, make beautiful works, have a big commission job to work on, have fun exhibitions, travel the world taking classes, maybe get a studio puppy (one weiner dog please) actually maybe just throw in a manager for me who can manage (duh) all this for me and find the balance for me, because lord knows I ain't got it at the mo. 

Le sigh.

Maybe it's just the winter blues? Lets hope so, spring is just around the corner right?


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